

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday...and regardless of your religious views, it's impossible to miss the mass amounts of candy in prime view at every grocery store, pharmacy, gas station, and...well...pretty much everywhere. I grew up celebrating Easter, mostly for the Easter Bunny the Easter egg hunts. And the candy. Lots of it.

We weren't allowed to have much sugar growing up (I'm still bitter that I wasn't allowed to have Fruity Pebbles at any point during my childhood...unless I was visiting my super-cool aunt...but that's another story), but in the months between Christmas and Easter, Mom was a little more flexible. Especially between Valentine's and Easter. ESPECIALLY Easter. I can't remember any other point in my life where either of my parents handed me a giant basket full of sugar (read: I didn't have to go beg for it at the neighbors' houses like at Halloween) to enjoy with no consequences.

That being said, I've found that people are very touchy about their Easter candy of choice. Some people, for example, are passionate about their Peeps. I, personally, have only ever enjoyed Peeps while watching them triple in size in the microwave. Others are crazy about the Cadbury eggs. Ick. Something about a runny, sugary inside that looks like a raw egg just isn't appetizing to me. Easter candy, to me, is Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs--which now I have to double-check...some of the eggs have wheat flour, some don't---and Starburst Jelly Beans.

I only crave these once a year - and as you might have guessed, that once a year is now. I scoured the Super Target yesterday for these and managed to snag the last bag that was buried under the "other" jellybeans. You can imagine my excitement and near inability to wait until I got home to open the bag. I even contemplated buying the plastic Easter eggs to fill with these and put in the "Easter basket" I put together for The Hubby, but decided against it because that was just more between me and the beans.

The best part?

Yeaaaaaah! While these might be made of all kinds of sugary crap, they are gluten-free and I love them! It's the tiny victories, right?

Hope you're having a wonderful, if not festive, weekend! Looking forward to our homemade Easter brunch tomorrow morning...more on that later. 


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