A couple of girlfriends and I meet up for dinner roughly once a month to catch up, drink wine, and usually (although not lately since one of them is pregnant and I have to work on my thesis every night these days) drink more wine. It's definitely a night that I look forward to! Last night we went to PF Chang's - somewhere that I don't go to nearly enough considering how seriously they take their gluten-free menu.
It's quite impressive - the gluten-free items are served on a different style of plate than items from the "regular" menu to differentiate it for the servers, and they bring you gluten-free soy sauce. What's also nice is that they have the gluten-free menu printed right on the back of their usual menu, so you don't have to go through all the annoying explanations and get the puzzled looks from the server - it's all right there, and the waitstaff and cooks have all been extensively trained. It's wonderful. About as friendly as you can get as far as eating out on a gluten-free diet.
Anytime I order from PF Chang's, I usually go for something that comes with their brown rice. I LOVE the way they cook their brown rice - it's really fluffy with the best bite to it. I've tried to duplicate it at home, but I just can't do it. Even with my fancy-schmancy rice cooker. Last night I was starving when I got there, so I went for their Singapore Street Noodles - a giant dish of rice noodles with shrimp, chicken, and vegetables, all in gluten free sauce. I have to say - I wasn't terribly impressed with the dish. I thought it was really dry and kind of bland - which is rare for them, so I'm hoping it was just an off evening. The noodles were good - they reminded me of the angel hair pasta that I miss so much - very thin and tender. However, there wasn't enough sauce (at least for me), and the chicken was dried out. The shrimp was good, though! I doused the noodles with a healthy dose of (gluten-free!) soy sauce and it was much better. Don't worry - I ate the entire thing. I felt like a cow when I walked out of there, but I didn't care. Regardless of it being a little dry, noodles are such a comfort food, and with the soy sauce addition, it was pretty good.
The presentation was pretty - but I didn't take a picture because for some reason I was embarrassed to. Oh yeah, and I was so hungry that I kinda forgot when the food got to the table. Oops.
I definitely think I'll give this dish another try - it has such potential, and everything I've ever had from PF Chang's I've absolutely loved, so it has to be a fluke, right?
Anyway, it's Friday afternoon and pretty much time for me to call it a day. At least a work day - I plan to do some work on the ol' thesis tonight. A rockin' Friday night if I do say so myself. ;)
Happy weekend!
Sprinkles' GF Cupcakes
About two weeks ago I found out that Sprinkles was going to start offering a gluten free cupcake. Hello! Then I found out that the one flavor they were going to offer was red velvet, introducing it around Valentine's Day. Brilliant! Considering that they charge $3.25 per cupcake or $36 per dozen, Valentine's Day was the perfect way to get The Hubby to go for it. So, after getting him over the initial shock of paying a small fortune for a baked goods, we ordered a dozen online (6 for me, 6 for him) to be picked up the day before Valentine's.
Sprinkles came to my area after I was already gluten free, so I can honestly say that I've never even seen one of these stores. When we got there to pick up our order, there was a huge line out the door! Apparently it's always like that, especially on the weekends since it's located in a trendy shopping center. Luckily, we got to completely skip the line to get our already boxed cupcakes! I was pretty proud of myself for having the foresight to order ahead of time. And don't worry, I mentioned that to The Hubby a couple of times. :)
One thing that is VERY important to take note of, especially for those who are more sensitive to gluten than I am: Sprinkles does NOT bake their gluten free cupcakes in a separate kitchen, so cross-contamination is an issue for those who have severe reactions to tiny amounts of gluten. The cupcakes are baked in a lining, so that reduces the risk for cross-contamination, but of course there is always the mixers, bowls, icing thingys, etc. I think, though, that if the demand is high enough, a separate kitchen might happen in the future, as they are aware of the issue. There was a hand-written note on my order reminding whoever was working to make me aware of the situation, which I found comforting. As I've mentioned before, cross-contamination is rarely an issue for me, so I wasn't concerned.
Now, onto what I thought about them...
As you can see, I could not restrain myself. I opened the box to find six perfectly iced, awesome smelling red velvet cupcakes with cute little "G"s on the top, and I had to try one immediately. This was in the car, driving away from the bakery. Crumbs were flying...it wasn't pretty. I have no willpower.
Sprinkles came to my area after I was already gluten free, so I can honestly say that I've never even seen one of these stores. When we got there to pick up our order, there was a huge line out the door! Apparently it's always like that, especially on the weekends since it's located in a trendy shopping center. Luckily, we got to completely skip the line to get our already boxed cupcakes! I was pretty proud of myself for having the foresight to order ahead of time. And don't worry, I mentioned that to The Hubby a couple of times. :)
One thing that is VERY important to take note of, especially for those who are more sensitive to gluten than I am: Sprinkles does NOT bake their gluten free cupcakes in a separate kitchen, so cross-contamination is an issue for those who have severe reactions to tiny amounts of gluten. The cupcakes are baked in a lining, so that reduces the risk for cross-contamination, but of course there is always the mixers, bowls, icing thingys, etc. I think, though, that if the demand is high enough, a separate kitchen might happen in the future, as they are aware of the issue. There was a hand-written note on my order reminding whoever was working to make me aware of the situation, which I found comforting. As I've mentioned before, cross-contamination is rarely an issue for me, so I wasn't concerned.
Now, onto what I thought about them...
As you can see, I could not restrain myself. I opened the box to find six perfectly iced, awesome smelling red velvet cupcakes with cute little "G"s on the top, and I had to try one immediately. This was in the car, driving away from the bakery. Crumbs were flying...it wasn't pretty. I have no willpower.
Once I got the remaining cupcakes safely home, I was able to take a closer look at them. So pretty! Iced perfectly thick. The aroma was to die for. One thing: while the "G" is very cute and a nice touch since all of their cupcakes have unique tops, do not try to eat it. I'm sure it's technically edible, but I nearly broke a tooth and when The Hubby tried it, he thought for a split second that it might be plastic. Haha.
See the thick icing? Yum. This cupcake was exactly the way I remember gluten filled cupcakes being. It was moist, rich, light and fluffy, and the icing was phenomenal. I, for one, am a huge cream cheese fan...and adding sugar to it to make icing? Yes, please.
I may have eaten two in one day. Within about three hours of each other.
Since then, I've successfully restrained myself. Yesterday I only had one after our wine and cheese festivities. I haven't had one yet today. I think I deserve a pat on the back.
Since I've never had a Sprinkles cupcake, I don't have anything to compare this to. All I know is that these cupcakes are making me very happy. However, The Hubby ordered one red velvet gluten-filled cupcake, and he sampled one of mine (aren't I generous?) right after tasting his. He said that the texture of the gluten free version was a little grainier than the gluten filled one, and that there was a slight flavor in the gluten free one that made it different. I personally think that a lot of gluten free items have an earthier flavor that their gluten-y counterparts, and after I mentioned that to him he nodded in (slight) agreement. He also said that now that he is seasoned in his exposure to gluten free food that he would have been able to tell that mine was gluten free had he has tasted it first. That being said, since I haven't had "regular" baked goods in almost two years, I didn't taste the things that he did and decided on my own that these cupcakes are pure heaven.
There's a local bakery in town that also does gluten free cupcakes for the exact same price. I can't wait to try those in the near future and compare! I also am really looking forward to attempting some cupcakes of my own. I can't wait until I have more free time to devote to new recipes! Only three months until then.
Happy cupcake-ing!
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day -- or weekend, rather -- was a huge success (at least in my eyes) this year. On Saturday, The Hubby and I ran errands together, which I always enjoy (not sure he does sometimes) - especially when one of the errands is purchasing furniture at Ikea. :) Sunday we celebrated Valentine's day by going to a late brunch and stuffing ourselves silly while listing to a fabulous jazz band. The rest of the afternoon was spent catching up on schoolwork (The Hubby) and running errands (me) - typical Sunday activities. Later in the evening, we watched the Olympics in our PJs, sipped on a yummy Cabernet, and snacked on 3 different cheeses (camembert, aged Irish cheddar, and dill havarti from top to bottom) and some summer sausage and prosciutto.
It was a fantastic way to end the day and spend time with the love of my life.
The leftovers will almost definitely be dinner for me tonight.
It was a fantastic way to end the day and spend time with the love of my life.
The leftovers will almost definitely be dinner for me tonight.
Gluten Free Manners
I used to think Twitter was the dumbest thing out there. Who on earth would want to be constantly updated about the snooze-fest of my daily life? Even better, why would I want to share the mind-numbing details? I've learned (thanks in no small part to The Hubby) that it's such a great resource (and also that my life is nowhere near boring)! Without it, I wouldn't have found this great article:
I think Ms. James makes several excellent points in her article. I'll let you read to decide what you think.
My main takeaway was this: all of us celiacs and/or gluten free eaters have different "rules" that we live by. What works for one person might make another sick, and what makes one person sick might be completely okay for the next person. The most important thing is that we continue to keep the valuable information flowing without judging others for their food lifestyles, focusing on what works for our individual health instead of others'.
...and I'm stepping off of my super-sweet soapbox now.
On a random note, we've been watching the Olympics all night. Why is it so hard to tear your eyes from the TV when it's that time of year?
Happy Saturday!
PS. If you want to follow ME on Twitter (and you know you do)... http://twitter.com/glutenfreendly
I think Ms. James makes several excellent points in her article. I'll let you read to decide what you think.
My main takeaway was this: all of us celiacs and/or gluten free eaters have different "rules" that we live by. What works for one person might make another sick, and what makes one person sick might be completely okay for the next person. The most important thing is that we continue to keep the valuable information flowing without judging others for their food lifestyles, focusing on what works for our individual health instead of others'.
...and I'm stepping off of my super-sweet soapbox now.
On a random note, we've been watching the Olympics all night. Why is it so hard to tear your eyes from the TV when it's that time of year?
Happy Saturday!
PS. If you want to follow ME on Twitter (and you know you do)... http://twitter.com/glutenfreendly
Snow Days = Cozy Eats
It's been a crazy week. To top it off, I woke up on Thursday morning to an inch of snow.
Considering the blizzards going on in other parts of the country, that might not seem like a big deal to you. However, I live in Texas, and have my entire life. Any time I've ever seen snow (other than a few ski trips in high school and college), it's been incredibly brief, usually mixed with rain or sleet, and it never "sticks" long enough to truly enjoy it. All of that has changed! It snowed for 24 hours yesterday -- we got a FOOT of snow. A record-breaking 12.6 inches to be exact. The best part is that we weren't supposed to get anywhere near that much, but the conditions were just right for a beautiful winter wonderland. This is what it ended up looking like:
I still can't believe it.
The best part about this whole thing is that because Texas is not set up to deal with this kind of weather event, I was snowed in. No work (at least in the office) for the past two days! Instead, I opened the curtains and found a seat with my laptop facing the window, and worked in my sweatpants, no makeup, and a ponytail. Glorious. And I get Monday off! And it's Valentine's weekend. AND I get to go to Ikea AND pick up my (pre-ordered for the big weekend) gluten free red velvet cupcakes from Sprinkles tomorrow! Needless to say, I'm a happy girl.
Finally. I've been a little grumpy (okay maybe a lot grumpy) for a few weeks now. Brutal. Lots of stress with school (almost done!), work (busy season...ugh), and personal stuff. But I'm better now. But that's beside the point.
I am very quirky. In fact, I'm starting to wonder if The Hubby thinks I'm neurotic. One of my quirks: I am obsessed with weather. OB-SESSED. To the point where I think in my previous life I might have been a storm chaser. I sit in my office with all the lights off except for a dim lamp when there's a storm going on outside. I plan my meals based on weather. I have four weather apps on my iPhone. And I have a crush on the local weather guy. Okay, not a crush, but I think he's pretty awesome and I follow him on Twitter. Much to my delight, this week started out cold and rainy with more of the same in the forecast, so all of my dinners this week have been super cozy. (Plus I was actually at home for dinner every night this week - a first in months - bonus!)
Monday, I put a pot roast in the crock pot so it would be ready when I got home. I had to change up my family recipe a little based on what I had in the pantry, so it turned out a little drier than usual, but it sure was pretty.
Tuesday, I cooked one of my favorite (and definitely one of the easiest) meals - pasta and a vodka sauce with sausage. Before you get all impressed, here are my ingredients:
This stuff is all natural, really tasty....and it says gluten free right on the jar!
Cook and drain the pasta, brown and drain the sausage (and put it back in the pan), deglaze the pan with the sauce, season to taste, then put over the pasta of your choice. I like to add shredded parmesan cheese and some goat cheese crumbles for creaminess. So yummy. So cozy.
On Wednesdays, The Hubby has class, so I'm usually on my own for dinner. Which means that quite often I have some form of macaroni and cheese. A lot of it. This time, I made Annie's Gluten Free Rice Macaroni and Cheese. I'm a cheese fanatic, so I added shredded cheddar and...Cheez Whiz. Yes, you read that right. I'm a grown woman who loves Cheez Whiz.
It was cheezy, gooey, warm, cozy (theme?) deliciousness. I ate the whole batch. While watching last week's Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. Bliss.
I don't think there's anything better than macaroni and cheese. I don't care what anyone says.
Anyway, even though I had a lot to catch up on, I feel like I'm rambling...so I'm going to get back to my school stuff. On a Friday night. Jealous?
On another note, I read something a few minutes ago that said that currently there is snow on the ground in 49 states - all but Hawaii. 49 states!
Considering the blizzards going on in other parts of the country, that might not seem like a big deal to you. However, I live in Texas, and have my entire life. Any time I've ever seen snow (other than a few ski trips in high school and college), it's been incredibly brief, usually mixed with rain or sleet, and it never "sticks" long enough to truly enjoy it. All of that has changed! It snowed for 24 hours yesterday -- we got a FOOT of snow. A record-breaking 12.6 inches to be exact. The best part is that we weren't supposed to get anywhere near that much, but the conditions were just right for a beautiful winter wonderland. This is what it ended up looking like:
I still can't believe it.
The best part about this whole thing is that because Texas is not set up to deal with this kind of weather event, I was snowed in. No work (at least in the office) for the past two days! Instead, I opened the curtains and found a seat with my laptop facing the window, and worked in my sweatpants, no makeup, and a ponytail. Glorious. And I get Monday off! And it's Valentine's weekend. AND I get to go to Ikea AND pick up my (pre-ordered for the big weekend) gluten free red velvet cupcakes from Sprinkles tomorrow! Needless to say, I'm a happy girl.
Finally. I've been a little grumpy (okay maybe a lot grumpy) for a few weeks now. Brutal. Lots of stress with school (almost done!), work (busy season...ugh), and personal stuff. But I'm better now. But that's beside the point.
I am very quirky. In fact, I'm starting to wonder if The Hubby thinks I'm neurotic. One of my quirks: I am obsessed with weather. OB-SESSED. To the point where I think in my previous life I might have been a storm chaser. I sit in my office with all the lights off except for a dim lamp when there's a storm going on outside. I plan my meals based on weather. I have four weather apps on my iPhone. And I have a crush on the local weather guy. Okay, not a crush, but I think he's pretty awesome and I follow him on Twitter. Much to my delight, this week started out cold and rainy with more of the same in the forecast, so all of my dinners this week have been super cozy. (Plus I was actually at home for dinner every night this week - a first in months - bonus!)
Monday, I put a pot roast in the crock pot so it would be ready when I got home. I had to change up my family recipe a little based on what I had in the pantry, so it turned out a little drier than usual, but it sure was pretty.
Tuesday, I cooked one of my favorite (and definitely one of the easiest) meals - pasta and a vodka sauce with sausage. Before you get all impressed, here are my ingredients:
That's right. Easy. Super easy. As in my unborn children will eat this often and like it because it takes all of 20 minutes to put together, and that includes boiling the water. And it's CHEAP, with ingredients that are all readily available at most grocery stores. I got all of my ingredients at Super Target - even the pasta.
This stuff is all natural, really tasty....and it says gluten free right on the jar!
Cook and drain the pasta, brown and drain the sausage (and put it back in the pan), deglaze the pan with the sauce, season to taste, then put over the pasta of your choice. I like to add shredded parmesan cheese and some goat cheese crumbles for creaminess. So yummy. So cozy.
On Wednesdays, The Hubby has class, so I'm usually on my own for dinner. Which means that quite often I have some form of macaroni and cheese. A lot of it. This time, I made Annie's Gluten Free Rice Macaroni and Cheese. I'm a cheese fanatic, so I added shredded cheddar and...Cheez Whiz. Yes, you read that right. I'm a grown woman who loves Cheez Whiz.
I don't think there's anything better than macaroni and cheese. I don't care what anyone says.
Anyway, even though I had a lot to catch up on, I feel like I'm rambling...so I'm going to get back to my school stuff. On a Friday night. Jealous?
On another note, I read something a few minutes ago that said that currently there is snow on the ground in 49 states - all but Hawaii. 49 states!
I mentioned in a previous post that I had been craving pancakes for a while. Well, The Hubby came through for me and made me some heavenly apple-cinnamon pancakes for breakfast yesterday. It was a team effort - I made the batter and he actually cooked them. I've tried to make pancakes several times over the course of my life, and have failed miserably every single time. I think it's the flipping - anything that requires any sort of coordination usually ends in disaster when I come close to it. Anyway...I used Pamela's Gluten Free Baking and Pancake Mix (it has never let me down) and a variation of the pancake recipe found on her site. Here's what I used (makes about 6 pancakes):
-1 cup Pamela's Baking and Pancake Mix
-1 large egg
-3/4 cup water
-1 tablespoon oil (I used vegetable)
-1 grated granny smith apple (I literally just used a cheese grater - it was messy, and I'm not sure if that was technically the correct tool for this, but it worked)
-1/4 cup brown sugar
-1 teaspoon cinnamon
-1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice (I always forget I don't have nutmeg but I have this - it was perfect)
-1 teaspoon vanilla
The initial batter was pretty thick, but we tried it out anyway with one test cake. It didn't cook quite right, but I must say, it was still pretty delicious.
It was a little raw in the middle (you can really see it in the bite on the right) from the batter being too thick to really spread out at all, so we added a little bit more water. It was still thicker than "normal" pancake mix, but as I've learned, gluten free batters and doughs are the exact opposite in consistency as their gluten-filled counterparts (batters are usually thick and doughs are often thin and runny), so I wasn't concerned. You can get an idea of the thickness of the batter right after The Hubby got the next round on the griddle:
Ta da! I was not disappointed. They tasted just as good as they looked. Dense but still fluffy, sweet but not too sweet, a little bit of tart here and there from the fresh apple, the warm flavors of cinnamon and vanilla and touches of clove, ginger, and nutmeg from the pumpkin pie spice...and a little bit of a crust formed on each side...perfect! There were two left over (I had completely forgotten that The Hubby doesn't even like pancakes that much, so he only had one. Bad wife.), so I had one for breakfast this morning. I tasted it cold (I used to LOVE cold pancakes right out of the fridge when we had leftovers when I was growing up) and it was still delicious. I ended up zapping it in the microwave for about 20 seconds and ate it dry - and it was the perfect quick breakfast for a busy morning. I have one more left...mmmm.
I can't tell you how exciting it was that these pancakes turned out so well. I've had many an inedible gluten free adventure, but this one was just delightful. :)
Craving pancakes yet?
-1 cup Pamela's Baking and Pancake Mix
-1 large egg
-3/4 cup water
-1 tablespoon oil (I used vegetable)
-1 grated granny smith apple (I literally just used a cheese grater - it was messy, and I'm not sure if that was technically the correct tool for this, but it worked)
-1/4 cup brown sugar
-1 teaspoon cinnamon
-1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice (I always forget I don't have nutmeg but I have this - it was perfect)
-1 teaspoon vanilla
The initial batter was pretty thick, but we tried it out anyway with one test cake. It didn't cook quite right, but I must say, it was still pretty delicious.
It was a little raw in the middle (you can really see it in the bite on the right) from the batter being too thick to really spread out at all, so we added a little bit more water. It was still thicker than "normal" pancake mix, but as I've learned, gluten free batters and doughs are the exact opposite in consistency as their gluten-filled counterparts (batters are usually thick and doughs are often thin and runny), so I wasn't concerned. You can get an idea of the thickness of the batter right after The Hubby got the next round on the griddle:
At this point I was satisfied with how everything was going, so I grabbed my coffee mug (full of "Cookiedoodle" hazelnut cinnamon coffee with vanilla sugar-free creamer....yummy) and let The Hubby do his thing. I walked back in a few minutes later to this beautiful sight:
Wow! I was pretty excited at this point, and promptly began salivating at the idea of tasting these perfectly browned pieces of amazingness. Drum roll please...
Ta da! I was not disappointed. They tasted just as good as they looked. Dense but still fluffy, sweet but not too sweet, a little bit of tart here and there from the fresh apple, the warm flavors of cinnamon and vanilla and touches of clove, ginger, and nutmeg from the pumpkin pie spice...and a little bit of a crust formed on each side...perfect! There were two left over (I had completely forgotten that The Hubby doesn't even like pancakes that much, so he only had one. Bad wife.), so I had one for breakfast this morning. I tasted it cold (I used to LOVE cold pancakes right out of the fridge when we had leftovers when I was growing up) and it was still delicious. I ended up zapping it in the microwave for about 20 seconds and ate it dry - and it was the perfect quick breakfast for a busy morning. I have one more left...mmmm.
I can't tell you how exciting it was that these pancakes turned out so well. I've had many an inedible gluten free adventure, but this one was just delightful. :)
Craving pancakes yet?
A quick hello - and a fun tip
I just realized that it has been almost a week since my last post. Okay, so it's only technically been 4 days, but it seems like it's been a week! I'm really getting in to a hectic time trying to meet deadlines for my thesis - but I am going to do my best to post regularly.
That being said, this post is just to check in and say hello before I get back to the grind on the ginormous paper from hell. However, I do have a fun tip that I recently learned when it comes to gluten free cooking. We eat a TON of pasta at our house - I'm talking at least once a week - and we've tried many of the different kinds of rice, corn and quinoa pastas, all of which have been tasty. (I'll talk more about my favorites later.) One problem though: the spaghetti/fettucini/angel hair style pastas that I crave stick together while they cook and you have to stir them constantly. It might be common sense to more seasoned cooks, but I've found that if you add a drizzle of olive oil to the water before you add the pasta, it coats the pasta just enough to keep it from all sticking together, then the residual oil washes off when you drain and rinse the cooked pasta. Easy! Took me almost two years to figure that one out, so I'm now sharing with you. :)
Have a happy Saturday - and if I don't have a chance to post, enjoy the Super Bowl (and the parties that go with it)!
Plan-D Flourless Muffins

While at Sprouts Farmers Market on Saturday, I stumbled upon a gluten free first for me - Plan-D Apple Cinnamon Flourless Muffins. I've seen the gluten free muffins from Udi's and Whole Foods, but these were different. Flourless! I've found that gluten free bread items tend to be a little heavy for me, especially for breakfast, but these were fabulous. They were a good size - about the same size of a muffin you'd bake at home - and the texture was dense and crumbly on the top (in a good way) from the main starchy ingredient, oat bran. It wasn't as apple-y as it was cinnamon-y, which I liked, and it went wonderfully with my vanilla hazelnut coffee. Here's the best part - they were baked just perfectly! The very center was the tiniest bit underdone (which is how I love my baked goods) and chewy, and - I kid you not - reminded me of the very center of a dense cinnamon roll. YUM!

I probably won't get to have these very often unless Central Market starts carrying them (the closest Whole Foods is 25 minutes away; Sprouts is 40 minutes from my house), so I'm really enjoying them as a special treat. Can't wait until breakfast!
Speaking of breakfast, I have been desperately craving pancakes lately. I haven't had them in almost two years (since before my diagnosis) and they just sound so yummy. Any recommendations for a good mix? I'm thinking of trying Pamela's, since everything else of hers is so tasty.
Until next time,
GF Jackpot!
This weekend was really nice. Had dinner with friends on Friday night (Mexican food - one of my favorites. Had a delicious tortilla soup. Mmm.), lunch with a girlfriend on Saturday, a little shopping, some quality at-home quiet time, got some work done for school, book perusing at Half-Price Books, and dinner and wine with The Hubby on Sunday. On top of all of that goodness, I made my very first visit to Sprouts Farmers Market (the closest one is 45 minutes from me, so I've never been) and came home with TONS of gluten free (and very friendly) wonderfulness! Here's what I brought home:
-2 Amy's rice crust full-size pizzas, one cheese and one spinach
-2 Glutino single-serve pizzas, one cheese and one spinach and feta
-1 Amy's frozen rice macaroni and cheese (a staple at my house)
-1 Glutino frozen macaroni and cheese (never had this one before - I'm excited to try it)
-1 box of Annie's Rice Pasta and Cheddar macaroni and cheese (are we seeing a pattern here?)
-1 box of Kinnickinnick animal crackers
-2 frozen GlutenFreeda vegetarian bean and cheese burritos (never had these before, but I'm pumped about these too)
-1 Glutino Pad Thai with chicken meal
-1 package Ener-G english muffins
-1 loaf of Udi's whole grain sandwich bread
-1 package Food for Life Whole Grain Brown Rice Tortillas
-1 box of Mary's Gone Crackers, onion flavor
-1 package Tinkyada brown rice & spinach spaghetti
-1 package Plan-D flourless apple cinnamon muffins
-1 frozen Organic Bistro Chicken Citron meal
-1 frozen Organic Bistro Sockeye Salmon Cake meal
-2 SoyJoy bars (never had them and want to try)
-6 different flavors of Lärabars - PB&J, PB cookie, cinnamon roll, chocolate coconut, pecan pie, and coconut cream pie (never had these either!)
-2 Think Thin bars - one brownie crunch, one chocolate fudge
A couple of extras that are naturally gluten free:
-1 lb of amazing "Cookiedoodle" coffee - roasted with cinnamon and hazelnut - sooo good
-1 package of dill havarti - one of my very favorite cheeses
-1 summer sausage - for the hubby, because I'm just that nice
I told you it was a jackpot! I now have enough gluten free groceries to last me quite a while. The best part is that all of the stuff listed above is just for me - it doesn't include the grocery run I did on Sunday for meals for both of us for the week and all of the great produce I got. :)
-2 Amy's rice crust full-size pizzas, one cheese and one spinach
-2 Glutino single-serve pizzas, one cheese and one spinach and feta
-1 Amy's frozen rice macaroni and cheese (a staple at my house)
-1 Glutino frozen macaroni and cheese (never had this one before - I'm excited to try it)
-1 box of Annie's Rice Pasta and Cheddar macaroni and cheese (are we seeing a pattern here?)
-1 box of Kinnickinnick animal crackers
-2 frozen GlutenFreeda vegetarian bean and cheese burritos (never had these before, but I'm pumped about these too)
-1 Glutino Pad Thai with chicken meal
-1 package Ener-G english muffins
-1 loaf of Udi's whole grain sandwich bread
-1 package Food for Life Whole Grain Brown Rice Tortillas
-1 box of Mary's Gone Crackers, onion flavor
-1 package Tinkyada brown rice & spinach spaghetti
-1 package Plan-D flourless apple cinnamon muffins
-1 frozen Organic Bistro Chicken Citron meal
-1 frozen Organic Bistro Sockeye Salmon Cake meal
-2 SoyJoy bars (never had them and want to try)
-6 different flavors of Lärabars - PB&J, PB cookie, cinnamon roll, chocolate coconut, pecan pie, and coconut cream pie (never had these either!)
-2 Think Thin bars - one brownie crunch, one chocolate fudge
A couple of extras that are naturally gluten free:
-1 lb of amazing "Cookiedoodle" coffee - roasted with cinnamon and hazelnut - sooo good
-1 package of dill havarti - one of my very favorite cheeses
-1 summer sausage - for the hubby, because I'm just that nice
I told you it was a jackpot! I now have enough gluten free groceries to last me quite a while. The best part is that all of the stuff listed above is just for me - it doesn't include the grocery run I did on Sunday for meals for both of us for the week and all of the great produce I got. :)
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